What is Cholesterol?

Your Body, Your Health, Your Life I’ve never really (ever) paid attention to my cholesterol. I’m young & fit, I don’t need to start worrying about that just yet, right? Wrong. Apparently, more people are testing with high cholesterol now, COVID – the gift that keeps on giving. Oh, and children can have high cholesterolContinue reading “What is Cholesterol?”

Be the Change You Want to See

Crowd-funding for Social Change Everyone cares about something, that’s just the human in us. As no one person is an island, we all live in a society where different people value different things. Have you ever felt what matters to you is not getting the attention it needs? That no change has taken form andContinue reading “Be the Change You Want to See”

Suicide Prevention in Schools

Suicide is third leading cause of death in 15- to 19-year-olds globally. To protect the mental wellbeing of this school-age demographic, please join us in a five-day crowdfunding campaign. All proceeds will go toward providing a Wisdom&Wellness Package for a local Primary or Secondary Schools in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania Little by Little is a five-day matchingContinue reading “Suicide Prevention in Schools”

World Suicide Prevention Day

With a 35% increase in Suicide rates in the US between 1999 and 2018, the CDC calls suicide a growing public health concern … I am not an expert, heck i didn’t even think I need to understand the workings of the human mind because biology & I are peaceful enemies. There’s no denying it,Continue reading “World Suicide Prevention Day”

Yoga & Coping with Anxiety

I don’t know about you, I’m guilty of having paid a month or more for a gym membership I didn’t use. It’s that guilt of knowing all the benefits to exercise which makes cancelling the membership feel like a failure moment. And of course, while some gyms are open now, thanks COVID, concern still lurksContinue reading “Yoga & Coping with Anxiety”